News Announcements
PROXY FORMS for 11.14.20 Special Meeting!!
Posted on Oct 30th, 2020
Greetings Homeowners –
CLICK HERE for the Amendment Proxy & HERE for the Election Proxy forms for the upcoming special meeting of the ownership on November 14, 2020 at 11:00am! Candidate bios can be viewed HERE.
The first proxy is to vote on the proposed amendments to the governing documents.
The second proxy is to vote for residential members of the new, 7-member board that will be elected if the Amendments pass.
As a reminder, the Amendments change the current board structure from:
a de facto split of 2 commercial representatives and 1 residential representative,
a mandated split of 2 commercial representatives and 5 residential representatives.
Please note: FAILURE TO RETURN A PROXY (or vote by phone) IS A 'NO' VOTE on the Amendments.
That is because a change requires the affirmative vote of 67% of all of voting interests, not just those at the meeting. The commercial owners have said that they support this change, but it will still fail unless at least 50% of all residential owners participate in person or by proxy, and vote “yes.”
Some details and information on the proxies:
Owners are not required to use these proxy forms; any lawful form can be used.
The form of these proxies is as “directed proxies.” That is, the tell the proxy holder how to vote.
There is a default name (Gordon Copland, the Committee Chair) as the proxy holder, but you can name as proxy any other unit owner participating in the telephonic meeting.
On the proxy as to approving the amendments: if you sign and send it back with no choice selected, it is treated by default as a “yes.” As noted, failure to sign and return a proxy constitutes a “NO” vote.
On the Board election proxy, you can vote for 5 persons. Cumulative voting is not allowed, and a given unit cannot vote for any board candidate more than once. Multiple unit owners can vote once for any given candidate for every unit they own (Unit 100 votes once for Mary Jones; Unit 200 votes once for Mary Jones, etc.). Multiple unit owners should do separate proxies for every unit, OR, if all are to be voted the same, can list multiple units on the proxy.
Owners are not required to vote for 5 candidates. Any proxy with fewer than 5 names will be deemed a “directed proxy” and unit votes will apply only to the candidates named. A proxy that is signed and dated but has NO names selected or filled in will be voted as the named proxy holder wants.
Proxies can be returned via scan and email to or via USPS to Allegheny Springs HOA, PO Box 1227, Elkins, WV 26241. We are strongly encouraging owners to return proxies via scan and email.
Finally, the Governing Document Committee members could use help in emailing/calling non-responding homeowners. If you are willing to help get out this vote, or have ideas on it, please contact Meredith McNeely at the aforementioned email address.
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