News Announcements
IMPORTANT: Allegheny Springs Main Entrance Changes - Lobby & Porte-cochere Roof Project
Posted on May 17th, 2023
Greetings Owners –
I am writing to inform you of roof work taking place at the porte-cochere and lobby of Allegheny Springs. Over the next 5 weeks, owners and visitors will encounter some safety fencing that is erected around the main entrance of the building. We are working with the contractor to maintain at least one open ingress/egress at the main entrance of the building throughout the project. Currently, the entrance to the left (west) of the main lobby doors is accessible. The main lobby door and eastern lobby vestibule entrances are closed. Please note that entrance locations will change as the project progresses depending on the location of the roof work at any given time. There is also signage posted at the entrance. We will work to send out updates as changes occur, however please note that last minute changes are sometimes unavoidable. The contractors are working to take advantage of every allowable work hour in an effort to finish this project as quickly as possible. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
As a result of the work taking place at the building entrance, the front desk in the lobby will remain closed until June 12th. For owners that self-manage their rental units, please instruct your guests to check-in at Top of the World. This desk will be open 24-hours. If the roofing work is completed earlier than June 12th, Snowshoe will reopen the front desk in Allegheny Springs at that time.
Thank you,
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